1. I love sweet food
2. I
love dogs (if they're not viscous)
3. When
my mum was pregnant with me, the scans showed that I was a boy so my parents
called me Jack lol. My parents told me this story when I was in my childhood
years and obviously I miss heard so what happened? I started telling my friends
in primary school my middle name was Jack and I wrote on all of my books
throughout primary school "Laura
Jack Steele". Yes, my teachers were really confused lol. In year
6 my teacher actually asked my mum what the story was behind it. It was sooo
4. I
love fitness/exercising (when I can be bothered)
5. When
I was younger nearly all of the kids in my street had water fights. One day me
and my sister waited in my friends garden for her to come out. She let her Alsation dog out
by accident she said. Anyway, it bit me in my back, my sister swung me
around after to protect me, God knows what could of happened if
she didn't. From what I can still remember it hurt really bad :( wow bad memories lol! Luckily
I don't have any scars.
6. I
have two sisters.
7. My
birthday is on the 21st of February.
8. I
was born in 1996 and up until a few years ago it always used to snow on my
birthday ツ
9. I
used to part my hair down the middle, gel it down until I got it perfect and I
tied it at the bottom of my head. Me and my primary school best friend has the
exact same hairstyle for years! We thought we was cool. Lol.
10. My
favourite colour changes all of the time- currently it's a coral/peachy
colour ツ
11. My
first job- I worked at TK Maxx. I was 16 and I hated it!
12. I'm
starting university this September- I'm nervous, scared and excited ツ
13. I
was always the shy girl in my primary school and high school years unless I was
with my friends ;) they brought the funny and weird side of me out.
still do hehe ツ
14. I
have many memories from high school but one I remember so clear is this- me and
my friends blew up balloons one day and we put them under our tops to make
boobs and pregnant bellies whilst our tutor laughed at us and took pictures-
2/3 years later she embarrassed us in our year 11 leaving assembly lol. It was
funny looking back at them. (I can't find the pictures but when I do I'll
add them to this post!)
15. I'm
a Yorkshire lass! ツ
16. I can't sing...
17. I used to dance- street dance, contemporary
& cheer-leading.
18. I love meerkats ツ I started collecting the toys but
I've stopped lol.. My sister bought me a meerkat pen haha & a few of my
friends in sixth form started calling me Sergei lol... #awks
19. I've never been to a gig/festival.
20. I'm under 5ft lol.. hmm.. I hate genetics -.-
21.All of our family dogs in the past have been Jack
Russells and we called them all Jack except the female dog we had... we
called her Jill. Get it? Jack and Jill went up the hill? Haha! #thatsawkstoo
22. I love Hollyoaks (a
british soap)
23. I want to move to the south-west of England
after University ツ
24. I'm scared of spiders :(
25. Another story from my childhood lol... My
parents took me to a shop to get my ears pierced. Everything was going
fine until I had my first ear done lol. I ran away crying whilst putting my
hands over my ears screaming and shouting "I don't want it done!!!"
Lol. I had no choice but to be forced to get my other ear pieced haha. I'm very
thankful now though ツ
hope you liked reading mine, I've read quite a few of these posts and I've
loved them, haha ツ
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